What a Year So Far

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It’s no secret that this winter has been a great one in Colorado and is currently showing no signs of slowing down as we are now into April and it just keeps on snowing. The statewide snowpack sits at 139% of average as of April 3rd with the graph trending almost identically to the historic season of 2019. It’s the type of year that has one wondering just how long we’ll be skiing for given the snow totals to date. Read more…

Japow! Making Turns in the Far East

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Throughout my skiing life I’ve had all kinds of enticing little glimpses into the Japanese ski scene. Years of vague hints about how marvelous it can be, but without ever really taking the time to fully grasp the details. In retrospect, these moments all added up to a fairly substantial list of reasons to finally go check it out for myself. So, when Katie and I were brainstorming our family’s Asia trip for early 2023, we decided a stop in the land of the rising sun for a ski adventure was finally due. Keep Reading…

Fowler-Hilliard to Janet’s

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Several years back I got an invite to join on J, Brandon and Co’s annual “Hardman Hut Trip” (some years are harder than others but there are always plenty of men). From 10th Mountain to Uncle Bud’s to Skinner we went, covering around 30 miles between the three huts with a few good turns mixed in along the way. This same crew of long-time friends has continued with this style of trip every year for the past decade or so, and I was happy to join again for this year’s outing as soon as I got the invite. Read more…

Pow, Ghost Trees and Dive Bars: A Whitefish Weekend

Have you ever wondered which bar sells the most PBR in the entire nation? I hadn’t either. Up until this past weekend, that is. But there I was in a Montana cowboy dive bar named The Remington, staring up at a plaque on the wall proudly declaring they were the #88 “Top PBR Volume Account in America.” So, naturally I got curious about who made up the top of that list. (Read on and you can find out too…)