Laboring in the Weminuche: Ruby to Chicago 13ers

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After our return from the PNW in June Brian and I began laying down an itinerary for a summer backpacking trip to the Weminuche. We reached out for partners and established a group of ten highly interested, which would ultimately be reduced to a final list of seven. None of us had climbed any of the Ruby Basin 13ers previously with the exception of Brian, who headed in a few years ago and hit Pigeon, Turret, and the Animas Group with some fellow members. Matt, Mark, and Tim have been fast at work on the Centennials so their interests in a Pigeon/Turret/Jupiter combo were very high. Keep reading…

A Pair of Cimarron Classics: Coxcomb and Redcliff

After a successful outing on Dallas, Matt, Brian, Tommy, and I motored over to West Cimarron Basin and found a place to lay our heads for the night. Where we ended up was undoubtedly some of the best car camping real estate any of us had ever seen. A large, grassy field with easy stream access and views of Chimney Rock and Couthouse greeted us with open arms. We pulled in with just enough daylight left to throw out the camp chairs and enjoy a few brews under the waning sun. Keep reading…

Lake Fork Loop: Emerald, Iowa, and Missouri

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This weekend before last the wife and I got out to the Sawatch for a little camping and peak bagging combo. A few of Anna-Lisa’s coworkers, Mike and Michelle (+1 canine, Rogan), decided to join, along with a mutual friend of ours, Eli, for whom hiking a Colorado peak would be a new experience. Originally we intending to head to Ice Lakes Basin in the San Juans. For a long time now I’ve been particularly excited to check out the Vermillion Group scrambles. Keep reading…

French Group Summits

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Returning to Colorado from the PNW, a ski trip Brian and I had been planning since January, officially marked the end of ski season for me.  Going from skiing powder in a complete whiteout to hundred degree temperatures in a matter of twelve hours was a stark contrast. Colorado has been HOT lately, too hot in fact.  Days of high temps and zero rainfall has created some impressive and devastating fires along the Front Range, and there doesn’t appear to be any sign of mother nature relenting in the near future. Keep reading…