Review: Brooks Cascadia 9 Trail Running Shoe

I am not exactly sure when or why it happened, but at some point in the past few years, buying trail running shoes became a huge, huge thing. Step into any running specialty shop or mountaineering store these days and I can pretty much guarantee that you will eventually come to a wall that is completely packed with trail running shoes for sale. As you look around, you will notice that there are literally dozens of different options, colors, makes, and models to choose from offered by virtually every brand imaginable. If you are anything like me, it is pretty overwhelming and confusing. Compounding the issue is the fact that most of the people trying on these shoes look like they would get tired jogging up your local sledding hill – it is usually not a very reassuring peer group to get reviews from.  And that’s not even to mention the typical gear rep, who looks like he might get lost in your local greenbelt without the aid of map and compass. Read more…

Purgatory to Ruby: Pigeon, Turret and the Animas Group

Nate, Ray, Migz and Dana (who couldn’t make it due to “work”) currently call the east coast their homes. These boys get out quite frequently into the mountains in New England, but the east coast only affords them so much. Once a year they are usually looking to get a little wild and that’s when I’ll get the call. On their inaugural trip to Colorado 2 years ago we trekked through Wild Basin in RMNP en route to Alice and Chiefs Head via Lion Lakes and then followed it up the next day with a sunrise climb of Longs Peak. Each has his own temperaments and talents, but in the end it always seems to work out, even with Ray who has no qualms calling the Pigeon/Turret saddle a success and may still be referred to as “the Gatekeeper” of the Keyhole. Keep reading…

New Frontiers – Zirkel Wilderness and Alpine Summits for My Girl

Every time I’ve presented her with a challenge, my little girl never ceases to amaze me. I’m very proud of my little trooper but this is a hard trip for me to put into words. There are so many emotions that come up when I look back on the weekend, I just can’t articulate my memories. I guess I’ll try my hand at the “photo TR” since I’m really at a loss. Keep reading…

San Juan Summertime and the Livin’s Easy

Ben and I have been on a bit of a tear this summer. Blitzkrieg is a word often used to describe a few of our trips and while they have been nothing but excellent, it makes you appreciate a trip in which you are afforded the ability to get to your destination early, snag 1st dibs on a campsite, and enjoy perfect weather all weekend. “Stress-free” was thrown around a lot this past weekend and we savored every minute of it. Keep reading…