A couple weeks ago I took a day off work looking for a big hike/run that would get me a good amount of mileage and vert ahead of the Telluride Mountain Run coming up at the end of August. After looking at a few different ideas I took a step back and realized there was no need to look any further than my own backyard…
For a long time I’d had an inclination to revisit Mt. Jackson (first and only other time I’d hiked it was 7 years ago), but instead of via the standard route from Beaver Creek, I figured why not do it as the ultimate backyard jaunt straight from my house in Eagle-Vail. Well, no time like the present I suppose as I’m not getting any younger. One of the cool things about the valley is that many of its trails intersect and can be linked together from virtually any starting point. You can more or less get anywhere in the valley via some combination of trails, the question just becomes how big of a day are you up for? Keep Reading….

Ski season ended on a high note as we kept up tradition with our 9th annual Torreys season finale party at the end of May. Then with a pair of races slated for August and September (that may actually happen, like for real) it was time to start ramping up the running miles as trails dried out throughout the valley. Aside from all of that though, summer peakbagging days are always calling my name this time of year and I’ve managed to get out for several fun outings up high over the past few weeks. Read more…

As the snow falls outside with summer pretty definitively in the rear view, I thought it would be fun to look back on a few of the better trail run adventures Anna-Lisa and I did over the latter part of the season. Amidst trying to wrap up my last few Bicentennial 13ers this fall, we were able to get out and explore several local Gore and Holy Cross Wilderness trails. Keep reading…

A few weekends back Rick and I headed into the Holy Cross Wilderness to tag a pair of 13ers on its northwestern edge – Gold Dust and “Pika Peak”. It turned out to be a fun day, with a neat traverse between the two peaks and a stop off at Lake Charles for a dip before heading into Eagle for some cold ones. We started out from the Fulford Cave Campground and followed the trail southeast up into the East Brush Creek drainage. Keep Reading…