After running the Sheep Mountain 50k in August, I knew wasn’t quite ready to wrap up my season just yet. Originally, Ben, Brian, and I had planed to run the Devil on the Divide 50k in September. But, well, you know the drill. That race got cancelled, just like all the rest. Or, should I say, almost all the rest. Keep Reading…

Last weekend Rick, Kyle and I packed into Sand Lake in the Sangres and picked off nine thirteeners over a three day span. The linkups were long, the peaks were rugged, and the weather did its best to make things interesting. We ultimately left the area a bit humbled, but happy to have pulled it all off. Sandwiched between the Great Sand Dunes and the Crestone Group is a long, curving drainage known as Sand Creek. Best accessed from the Wet Mountain Valley over Music Pass… Read more…

On Monday I was able to pull off a big loop in the northern-Sangres that had been on the short list for a few summers. The loop collects seven 13ers around Cotton Lake between Mt. Owen and De Anza Peak just north of the Rito Alto group. Armed with a near-perfect weather forecast and a day off work, I finally decided to pull the trigger. Things went pretty smoothly overall and it turned out to be the big, satisfying day I was hoping for. Read more…

After the end of ski season and a few trail races in June, it was time to switch gears and start focusing on bagging some peaks around the state. As is the case most years, the month of July went by in a flash. Between working, heading to the hills, a road trip to Sante Fe with Anna-Lisa, and starting a few projects on the house, I simply wasn’t able to keep up with writing trip reports. So I figured a quick recap with some of the better photos from the month would be a good way to catch up. Read more…