On Saturday, July 6th I motored over to Leadville and ran in the 12th annual Silver Rush 50; a 50-mile trail race offered by the Leadville Race Series that takes place every summer. Things went well and it was a good day out for the most part. I was happy to get another 50-miler under my belt and check out another classic Colorado ultra that also happens to be close to home.
Truth be told I didn’t sign up for the Silver Rush until after the San Juan Solstice 50 was cancelled in May. Those of us on the SJS50 runners list kept our fingers crossed but as the spring wore on, it became clear that there was simply too much snow, avalanche debris, and flood potential around Lake City to make the mountain race viable in late-June. The race director was forced to call it and allowed runners to bypass the lottery and defer their entry to next year, which was an option I was happy to take. Keep reading…

The 11th running of the Golden Gate Dirty 30 near Blackhawk took place this past Saturday, and I decided to head up there and join the fun for a 3rd year in a row. Although it wound up being my slowest finish time thus far, I was happy with the overall effort and still felt I overachieved based on my training compared to past years.
It’s no secret that 2019 has been one incredible snow year. Living in the mountains has had some obvious and much-welcomed upsides this season, but one downside was the lack of dry trails in March and April. In Denver, a solid April long-run was almost always available at Green Mountain, Indian Creek, or Deer Creek Canyon. But up here in Vail, on a year like this one, good luck. So that just meant it was a lot of skinning and road running up until the end of April, when the desert side of the valley finally melted out and I was able to log a few 20 mile runs. Better late than never I suppose. Keep reading…

One of my main goals for 2018 was to finish a 100 kilometer trail race. I knew if I were to have any realistic aspirations of completing a 100-miler someday, the 100k distance would be a major and necessary stepping stone. And no local Colorado race seemed to fit the bill better than the Never Summer 100k up near Cameron Pass.
This year was the race’s 4th running, and as the years have passed it has continued to garner more attention and fill up earlier. And for good reason – the course is challenging and spectacular – “a mountain race in the truest sense of the term, with extended periods of high alpine ridge running, two alpine peaks, and five alpine lakes visited along the way”. Racking up 64 miles and over 13,000 ft of elevation gain through the Never Summer and Medicine Bow Mountains, it’s considered one of the tougher 100k races out there. Keep reading…

The 2018 running of the San Juan Solstice 50 was this past weekend, and I’m happy to say I made it through for a second finish without any major issues along the way. Things went smoothly for me in just about every category and I was able to improve on my time from last year by over an hour.
Our move to the Vail Valley, in addition to our lean snow year, had me trail running a lot more in place of backcountry skiing throughout the months of April and May. I was able to log six 20+ mile runs leading into the SJS, which included another go at the Dirty 30 in early-June and a fun morning climbing Grouse Mountain from the streets of Eagle-Vail. I was hopeful all the vert and miles on trails would translate to a better race in Lake City this go around. Keep reading…