It’s been an interesting start to the year so far, with several large storm cycles rolling through Colorado punctuated by long periods of dry, sometimes unseasonably warm weather in between. The overall snowpack has lagged behind the median several times only to play catchup with big dumps to get us back to average. And the variable weather has created a somewhat complex avalanche situation state-wide that’s likely only going to get more complicated before it improves. Keep reading…

It’s no secret that this winter has been a great one in Colorado and is currently showing no signs of slowing down as we are now into April and it just keeps on snowing. The statewide snowpack sits at 139% of average as of April 3rd with the graph trending almost identically to the historic season of 2019. It’s the type of year that has one wondering just how long we’ll be skiing for given the snow totals to date. Read more…

There’s something I never really realized about Thanksgiving until this year: it’s a four day weekend. Now, before you judge that comment as being on the same level of stupidity as anti-vaxxers, shutting down the national forest for the sake of keeping skiers off of Loveland Pass, getting arrested at a Costco for not wearing a mask, or any other related absurdities of 2020, allow me to explain. Keep Reading…

The Sangres are an area of wild contrasts. A linear range running from Salida all the way to Albuquerque, New Mexico, the mountains are characterized by prominent, jagged conglomerate masses, rising straight out of the San Luis Valley. Much has been mentioned throughout this site of the intimidating nature of its mountains, and long, arduous approaches to the alpine. Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is a nice change of pace from this and is the perfect place to exercise your inner child for a weekend, or longer. Keep reading…