Category Archives: Hikes & Scrambles

April Showers Bring May Blizzards: Winter on Hallett

It’s been quite a whirlwind of weather, outings and new climbing partners since getting back into the full swing of things thanks to my good friends, Ben and Brian. East Partner in the the Gores, New Mexico’s high point, Silverheels, Hagar, “The Citadel”, and a Crystal outing never to be spoken of again, just to name a few, and all within the past month or so. Keep reading…

May Corn on Hagar and Citadel

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With spring in full bloom and a decent weather forecast, we decided to head out and search for corn on a pair of local classics this past Saturday. 13,220 foot Hagar Mountain sits at the head of Dry Gulch, which can be accessed from the north side of I-70 just east of the Eisenhower tunnel. Mike, Brian, Dillon, and I started up the drainage at 5am, but not before stashing a vehicle at the Herman Gulch trailhead down the road. Keep reading…

Climbing the Cone

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Something has been missing from my life in 2014. My mountain pursuits have been tabled since a solo trip up Lady Washington and a weekend at Barr Camp with my oldest and her friends in January. For the past few months, stress has been ever-present and while I’ve had plenty of support from family and friends, a spur-of-the-moment move (which did little to restore my faith in my fellow man) and drastic spike in my workload has had me reeling as of late. Keep reading…

East Partner’s Southwest Couloir: A (Fun) Gore Slog

Ben and I had stumbled upon the SW Couloir route on East Partner while searching around the internet. The Gores are one of those ranges with a ton of great lines and not a ton of advertisement, but we were fortunate enough to find some brief, but sufficient enough info on this gem. One of the nicest aspects of skiing in the Gores, which also could serve as one of the biggest deterrents, is the options you have once you haul up in to these deep drainages. Read more…