Category Archives: Hikes & Scrambles

Lone Eagle Peak: North Face Climb & Solo Flight Descent

Josh and I always seem to whip up at least one huge outing every summer season. But when he suggested Lone Eagle Peak for the 2019 version, I didn’t really know much about it. I knew it was a cool looking mountain deep in the heart of the Indian Peaks Wilderness. I knew it wasn’t even a 12er. And I knew that it had a sweet name. But that was about it. As it turns out, I wasn’t exactly wrong about any of those things, I just didn’t have the full appreciation of how great this mountain really is. And so, I agreed to another summer epic, with essentially zero knowledge of what I was getting into. But in retrospect, I’m sure glad I did. Keep Reading….

Fall in the Elks: Mt. Raoul Trio

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On Tuesday I headed over to Aspen intent on finishing off the group of nine 13ers accessible from the Conundrum Creek drainage west of Ashcroft. Last July I hit six of them, running the ridge from Hunter Peak out to Triangle Pass, but left the last three summits including 13,803-foot Mt. Raoul for another day. Down to only two Bicentennial peaks left to finish the Top 200 in the state (Raoul and Organ Mountain in the La Garitas), and armed with a perfect fall weather forecast, it was time to head back up Conundrum and knock off the rest of those peaks. Keep reading…

July Elk Hunting: Clark and Daly

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To cap off the month of July Steve and I headed over to the Elks and climbed a few peaks up the Capitol Creek drainage – Clark Peak and Mt. Daly. It’d been 9 years since either of us had been in there to climb Capitol Peak, so we were both excited to revisit an old friend as well as make some new ones. Thanks to the day’s near-perfect weather and some opportune glissades we were able to link up both summits in just under 13 hours from the car. Keep reading…

Indy Pass Ski Descents: Blue, Deer, and Mountain Boy

With this year’s crazy snow totals still lingering in Colorado’s high country, and Independence Pass open on June 1st, it was time to head up there and do some skiing. On Saturday the 8th Mitchell and I skied the east face of “Mountain Boy Peak”, the prominent face visible from 82 as you approach the pass from the east. Keep reading…