Josh and I always seem to whip up at least one huge outing every summer season. But when he suggested Lone Eagle Peak for the 2019 version, I didn’t really know much about it. I knew it was a cool looking mountain deep in the heart of the Indian Peaks Wilderness. I knew it wasn’t even a 12er. And I knew that it had a sweet name. But that was about it. As it turns out, I wasn’t exactly wrong about any of those things, I just didn’t have the full appreciation of how great this mountain really is. And so, I agreed to another summer epic, with essentially zero knowledge of what I was getting into. But in retrospect, I’m sure glad I did. Keep Reading….

Well after 15 years of slogging up piles of rocks and the hundreds of summits beginning to all blend together, I decided to pick up a new hobby, inspired by good pal Ben Conners. He reminded me that I used to poo poo on running and that within a few years, I’ll probably be signing up for 100 milers. I don’t doubt that I viewed running as silly, but I do doubt I’ll ever run a 100’er.
Anyways, my first ultra was everything I thought it would be. Happy, sad, angry, exciting, terrifying, painful, rewarding. I’m not sure many other activities can elicit all those emotions in one. In retrospect, I’m also not sure why I chose the Indian Creek 55k. I guess it just sounded intriguing and I had never visited the area before. Now it’s a place I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Funny how that works. I spent the majority of the summer working up to the race via Half marathons, local races around Westminster and trail runs in the foothills. Keep reading…

“Ya know, next time we could always try something a little easier…” That was Josh’s assessment after a winter outing on Longs Peak last year. That was the last time we got out together, and he was right. It seems like just about every time we climb together it’s via a route that is a mini-epic. But with some afternoon commitments looming on this particular Saturday, plus both of us eager to take his advice, we settled on a close, quick objective near Denver for our Saturday tour. Keep Reading…

One of my main goals for 2018 was to finish a 100 kilometer trail race. I knew if I were to have any realistic aspirations of completing a 100-miler someday, the 100k distance would be a major and necessary stepping stone. And no local Colorado race seemed to fit the bill better than the Never Summer 100k up near Cameron Pass.
This year was the race’s 4th running, and as the years have passed it has continued to garner more attention and fill up earlier. And for good reason – the course is challenging and spectacular – “a mountain race in the truest sense of the term, with extended periods of high alpine ridge running, two alpine peaks, and five alpine lakes visited along the way”. Racking up 64 miles and over 13,000 ft of elevation gain through the Never Summer and Medicine Bow Mountains, it’s considered one of the tougher 100k races out there. Keep reading…