Have you ever wondered which bar sells the most PBR in the entire nation? I hadn’t either. Up until this past weekend, that is. But there I was in a Montana cowboy dive bar named The Remington, staring up at a plaque on the wall proudly declaring they were the #88 “Top PBR Volume Account in America.” So, naturally I got curious about who made up the top of that list. (Read on and you can find out too…)

Eating in the mountains doesn’t have to be a miserable experience. With plenty of pre-cooked meat, some cheese, some tortilla shells or buns, some Waylon on the jukebox and an arsenal of hot sauces – the possibilities are endless. There are a lot of hot sauce aficianados out there – so i’m not gonna bother trying to step on anyone’s toes. I’ve scratched the surface but still feel I’ve, personally, made some decent headway in the Rocky Mountains. First off, there is no such thing as too much hot sauce. Hot sauces should be taken as seriously as post-climb beers on every trip to the hills. Don’t be ashamed if you need to get a suitcase to carry around all your sauces and don’t be ashamed to apply a few drops to each individual tortilla chip you consume around the campfire. At the major markets alone – you can get in to a decent amount of trouble with the selection. Gilberto, Tapatio, Tobasco and Cholula, along with local favorites Horsetooth, Boulder and High Altitude all sell noteworthy sauces. Keep reading…