Category Archives: Ski Descents

A Taste of January in June: Shavano Summit Ski

Anyone ever gone for a Shavano summit ski descent in June? Well after seeing a few TR‘s it looked like one could be pieced together, and I was especially eager to get back at Shavano after a ski attempt in March ended in failure. Wes was up for the challenge and, having never even summited Shavano, he was in for a double reward. Keep reading…

Mt. Massive Memorial Day Ski Descent

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Carl was up for another ski on Memorial Day as we begin the final push towards getting descents in before the end of the spring season. Wes from (skier25 from would end up joining us, we met at the Lookout Mountain exit off I-70 and motored to Leadville. Already the weather was promising clouds, which we could live with as long as the visibility was better than what we‘d experienced two days earlier on Evans. Keep reading…

Beer, Brats, and a Blind Evans Ski

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My buddy Jon Osterbrock, along with myself and our wives were called on for a little house sitting over Memorial Day weekend, so at first it seemed skiing was out for the weekend. The house however happens to be on Lookout Mountain and since Carl and Marc live nearby, the idea of a short jaunt up Evans was born and easily negotiated. Brian was quick to join in and generously supplied a grill, brats, and of course beer for an apres ski party. We all met at the recently opened Summit Lake TH and found the entire mountain to be completely socked in. Despite the visibility being less than ideal, we all knew the route pretty well and were skinning towards the north face couloirs around 7:00am. Keep reading…

Longs Peak Summit Ski Descent

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For a few weeks now Carl and I have been discussing a ski of Longs‘ infamous Keplinger‘s Couloir, the original ascent route used on Longs by John Wesley Powell in 1868. One of the most solidified goals I maintained throughout the spring was a summit ski of this great peak, well we got it on Saturday. Initially, conditions hunting was frustrating. Posts at and over at TGR yielded little helpful information and, as Carl found out in March, Longs is not a peak to carry skis to the top of without a just payoff. Keep reading…