Heading south in upper-Cataract Creek on a fine day to be outside.
Winter is here and though our snowpack in Colorado is still playing catchup to the calendar date, there are still some good turns to be had if you’re willing to put in some work for them.
Just before New Years I joined up with Rick, Dave and Zach on an exploratory tour into the northern Eagles Nest Wilderness. After a long sled approach we skinned out along Elliot Ridge and skied off Meridian Peak before exploring the Cataract Creek basin a bit in search of some bonus turns. It was a fun day out, and really the first true backcountry day of the season for me.

Heading south along the ridgeline and the dividing line between Summit and Eagle Counties.
Meridian Peak (12,432 ft) is the northernmost 12er in the Gore Range, residing on the ridge that extends northwest from East Corner Peak and eventually peters out near Sheep Mountain west of Green Mountain Reservoir. It’s a docile but scenic summit, with great views into the northern Gore. After a long stroll we hit the summit and enjoyed near tee shirt weather on top. Not bad for December 29th.

Rick dropping off the summit of Meridian Peak. Photo by Zach.

Zach lower down on the face. Mostly variable conditions with a few decent turns here and there.
Down in the basin we regrouped, ate some lunch and headed further south to check out a lower, more protected pitch off the ridge between Meridian and Northwest Corner.

In search of some softer turns. Photo by Zach.

We’ve struck pow.

Dave etching his signature. Photo by Zach.

And finishing off the pitch with the afternoon shadows getting longer. That’s Mt. Powell and Eagles Nest Peak in back.

Cheers to 2024.
Somebody must not be doing their snow dances correctly…
Looks like it was a fun holiday outing!
Nice one to fit in between Christmas and New Year’s for sure.
The same day I fight on Ripsaw Ridge and climbed Pk F and G. Approach to saddle between F and G take me 2 days from Vail (ski and snowshoe). New Year Eve I spend an top of Mt Powell, finishing my long journey of climbing in winter main ridge of Gore, all ranked peaks in Gore, all in Summit and monthly grid on Powell
Is it feasible to ski / snowshoe up to Elliot ridge ? How far is it to there from the nearest place to park a car ?