What a ski season we’ve had in Colorado thus far.
It’s no secret that this winter has been a great one in Colorado and is currently showing no signs of slowing down as we are now into April and it just keeps on snowing. The statewide snowpack sits at 139% of average as of April 3rd with the graph trending almost identically to the historic season of 2019. It’s the type of year that has one wondering just how long we’ll be skiing for given the snow totals to date.
Just playing catch up here as it’s been a lot of ski days and not very much blogging for the past several weeks. Here’s a little highlight reel of some of the better days out since January in pictures, as spring touring season hasn’t fully kicked off yet in these parts. Without further ado…

Anthony Haupt in the skinner east of Vail Pass early in the year. We got some “ghost trees” of our own on this day as much of the local flora was covered in rime ice above 10,000 ft

Stacking turns in upper-Polk Creek.

A week later, views from the summit of “West Deming” looking north towards Mt. Silverthorne. It’s nice to have local peaks as docile as this one for safe options on higher danger days.

Dennis Humphrey starting off the ski back down to the truck. It was great to finally get out on a tour with my long-time neighbor who lives just a few houses down from us.

The morning pre-work skins up Vail, Beaver Creek and Arrowhead have provided some awesome views on occasion when the valley hasn’t been totally socked in.

Fresh morning corduroy, never gets old.

First time up Outpost in a few seasons for me, with Dennis and Dan.

Just as in the past the skiing didn’t disappoint. Photo by Dennis.

Later in the month on a tour near Copper Mountain with Dave Bourassa. That’s Pacific Peak in back.

It’s almost been difficult to find bad snow this season. Photo by Dave.

Beaver Creek pow days, of which there have been many.

A seemingly rare sunny one with Brian Miller and George Bassett.

To cap off February it was time to head up a local 13er during a period of relative stability.

Parker Malenke stepping onto the summit of “Grand Traverse Peak”. Always nice to hit this one on an early spring-like day and scope things out.

Into March, Anna-Lisa heading up Red and White Mountain north of Avon. It was her first time up there on one of the warmest days of the winter we’ve had thus far (her kind of day).

And our turns down the southwest chute which were surprisingly good despite the prior day’s sun affect.

A few days later touring up around the Piney Creek area.

Marc Barella enjoying the goods. Photo by Zach Wilson.

And Richard E. Thompson bringing up the rear. Photo by Zach Wilson.
And a little POV vid of the same pitch above^

To cap off winter we headed up to Whistler-Blackcomb, British Columbia for a week of skiing with a fun 8-person crew.

The largest ski resort in North America, weighing in at a combined 8,100 acres with 5,300 ft of vertical drop. The place really is a sight to behold.

West-facing afternoon Blackcomb corn for the win.

A shot of the group, left to right – me, Dylan, Amelia, Anna-Lisa, Mickey, Eli, Michelle, and Tim.

And lastly, a few days skiing Ajax and Aspen Highlands with my Dad to open up April. The Elks look stacked.

If I can still hike Highlands Bowl when I’m 75 I’ll be a happy man!

Looking ahead…
With that we’re into spring now, and a big one it could turn out to be. Excited to see what our second season has in store as soon as things stabilize a bit more out there. Happy turns 🙂
Wow, a lot of really good pictures and I like that quote you attributed to me. Another great season for you. FAJA
Great season for sure! Glad you got to be here for the best part of it 🙂
Ghost trees….so hot right now. Nice start to the season, Benny. Now, go find your nearest wood and knock on it as we head into April….
Knocking on the wood up here!