Last Saturday several of us headed over to Summit County to ski the northeast line off Red Peak B (13,189′) in the southern Gore Range, known colloquially as “The Big Bad Wolf”. The route is one of several dropping off Red and its eastern sub-summit (most of which sport Little Red Riding Hood themed names), and offers up roughly 1,800′ of steep skiing down to Willow Lake just south of Mt. Silverthorne.
Because the Willow Creek drainage can make for a rather time-consuming approach, we decided to switch it up a bit by climbing the peak’s southern route from the Ryan Gulch TH before skiing out to the Willowbrook TH. The day made for a nice multi-drainage tour of Red Peak.

The remnants of a big avalanche in South Willow Creek which likely slid during the “Black Thursday” cycle in March. Photo by Jeff.
After rounding the base of Buffalo Mountain and skinning up through the trees we arrived at the bottom of Red Peak’s broad south face. The sun was out and temperatures were starting to soar. This was one of the first days that truly felt like spring up there, to me at least.
The ascent of Red’s south face was straightforward – just a few thousand feet of undulating terrain and steep skinning from the valley floor up to the summit, which remains visible the entire time. It was nice to finally return to this area and take a look around after Brian and I skied Red via this south slope in a complete whiteout in 2011.

Dylan leading the charge. That’s the summit up and to the left with some neat cliffs falling away to the right.
We hit the summit and lounged around for awhile, enjoying the 360 views of snow-capped peaks as far as the eye could see. Red’s summit really is a nice one, especially on a day like this.
Then it was time to get the second part of the day underway. We took turns scooting down the ridge to the entrance of the line. And what a line it is…
Conditions were better than expected from top to bottom – a mix of chalk and powder with a few corn turns thrown in for good measure.
Thankfully the ski out Willow Creek stayed supportive with just barely good enough coverage to ski all the way back to the Willowbrook TH. I wouldn’t be surprised if things lower down have started to melt out even in the few days since we skied through there.
This was a great line and a great way link a couple drainages together. The Gores rarely disappoint and this day was no different. Rick, Alex, Jeff, Dylan, that was fun. Let’s get in a few more before it’s all over 🙂
Very nice fellas! Looks like a solid line.
Yeah buddy! Definitely a fun one. Looking forward to hopefully another solid line here shortly…
Red Peak B? But it is the main summit of Red. Is the “B” because of another Red somewhere (there are lots of them I know).
Last Sunday we skied a line off East Red straight down into Red Diamond Bowl (ie, the S side). We had wanted a different line, but it had avalanched to the ground. My report is not up yet….. It would have been on your right as you crossed the bowl.
You skied to the Willowbrook TH. Excellent. That is surely rare this late in April.
Hey Stan,
I call it Red Peak B per the Colorado 13er list, which names “Red Peak A” as an unranked 13er in the Front Range. Probably makes more sense to just refer to the Gore Range peak as “Red Peak” though 🙂
I’ve looked at those lines in that bowl before, they look cool. Will keep an eye out for your report! Yes it was a surprise to ski all the way to the TH, and we were surprised again at being able to ski all the way to the Gore Creek Campground from Deluge Lake a couple days ago. What a snow year!
And now I see that you noted the avy path that had slid to the ground on ascent. That is the line we wanted 11 days ago. It looked really awful, but Henry said let’s climb it anyway, so we booted up the mud and firm snow to gain the wonderful high ground up there. So it all worked out.
Nice Stan! Yeah that was one heck of a slide. White Diamond is now on the list 🙂
The TR on the East Red route is now up at, colorado skiing, SummitCountyGoreRange, EastRedWhiteDiamond link.
or just