Fall in the Gore. I like the sound of that. Fall in the Park. I like the sound of that too. On this day we’ll give the nod to the Gore. For a guy who still can’t ski, one who spends most of the winter behind a desk with his trusty calculator attached to his hip, the clock is ticking. However, with a couple of months to go, I’m trying to make the most of my time and spending as much of it in the great outdoors as possible. On most occasions these outings come with great company, but sometimes it’s just me and my own meandering thoughts. This past Saturday would be the latter.
Peaks: Red Peak B (13,189′), “Deming Mountain” (12,902′)
Date: September 20, 2014
Trailhead: Meadow Creek
Distance: 16 miles
Elevation Gain: 5,850 ft.
Participants: Solo mission
Time: 9 Hours
With fall in the air I was looking to take advantage of the foliage in the high country while still managing to stay relatively close to home. The southern Gore seemed to fit the bill nicely. Hard to believe, but this would only be my 3rd trip all-time into this wonderland of a range (I have no idea why) and the 1st without snow. The maiden voyage came on a late October day in ’13 on Valhalla with an All-Star cast of 15 or so that included the Chalks, the Blyths, Sam and Marsters. The 2nd installment came in April on East Partner with Benny and Brian during my favorite episode of I Snowshoe with Skiers. Both trips are outings that I look back on fondly. Trip number 3 would be a slightly different kind of trip and it would have a lot to live up to :).

Follow them size five’s. Eccles Pass way out yonder from the junction of the Meadow Creek Trail and the Gore Range Trail.

At the top of Eccles Pass looking west at Point 12,435. I’d climb over this point on my traverse from Red to Deming later in the day. Throw in a little ice or snow and there’s one headwall in there that might force you to turn on your brain.
For many folks, let’s be serious… the three that I encountered along the way, Eccles Pass (approximately 5 miles from the Meadow Creek TH) is the end of the line. This journey, however, was just beginning.

The Red Peak massif in all its glory from just below the north side of Eccles Pass. Red Buffalo Pass can be seen to hiker’s left.
Approaching the top of Red Buffalo Pass, the range begins to show some of its meat. The heart of the Gore is still many miles to the north and west, but you get a good feel and appreciation for what lies just over some of these jagged ridges. The views, in combination with the solitude, as I ascended Red’s southwest ridge literally make you forget that you’re still cranking out 1,300 feet of vert to reach the summit.

The view west towards Deluge. See insert below for some Gore geography and surprising IT skills courtesy of Brian. Thanks man!

The traverse in its entirety from Red to Deming (L) over Red Buffalo Pass. “West Deming” is the highpoint to the right. Eccles Pass can be seen to the left above the lakes.

A look ahead at Deming from Red Buffalo Pass. The peak is unofficially named for the Deming Family dating back to the late 1800’s who used to call the Southern Gores their backyard.

“Goodbye Blue Sky”. Mother Nature wrecking havoc to the southeast in the Tenmile. Earlier in the month I counted 232 humans on the summit of Quandary from Wheeler. I bet there are only 178 up there right now.
That’s all she wrote! All in all this was one of my favorite solo hikes to date. Thanks for the recommendations fellers. This was no doubt a perfect Indian Summer outing.
In conclusion and a little off topic, as I was drafting this 2 of our own lost a close friend to a short 2nd battle with cancer. It’s been a tough month for them and as you know my thoughts are with you guys. Without being a downer, I wanted to mention it, as it helps to reinforce in all of us what is really important in life, family and friends above all, and reminds us to be thankful that we are lucky enough to be able to wake up everyday in this great state of Colorado.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it, and cheers to fall (AND the 4-0 Nittany Lions)!

Absolutely beautiful, Sarnelli! Well done, my good man. Brian did well with his labeling of peaks. You are learning the ways of the Jedi.
Haha – thanks Brando! The mans got IT skilz. Who knew?!? 🙂 Just scratching the Gore surface my friend. Jedi support from all you vets goes a long way man!
Beautiful color, Dillon! Sorry I missed you this year but was glad I got to see at least the beginning of the fall colors before I had to head back home last week. Enjoyed my first episode of the Gores this year too! Thanks for sharing your trip! MtnHub
Doug! Thanks for the comment. It’s great to hear from you and I’m glad your time was well spent. You had quite the itinerary! When you make it back here, and you will ;), let me know. It would be great to get out with you. Cheers to fall!
Awesome! Its so beautiful back there! I hiked over Eccles pass a month or so ago. Great photos 🙂
Thanks – sure is! lot of ground to cover back there thats for sure. Nice work on the pass!
Looks like a great day in the hills, buddy. Looking forward to catching up tomorrow.
JB! Glad you survived the maroon traverse! Well done. It’s about damn time you focused on something other than 14ers man!
Excellent photography as usual Dillon. I admire the alpine start you got on this particular day…… well done! 😉
Richard, haha – thanks! Glad there is no ETR firewall in the comforts of your humble Lakewood abode. The friday night ant-contrarian happy 5 hour made it all worth it my friend. 🙂 Good times. Thanks for the idea on Deming too. And nice work on Keller!
Some crazy nice views followed by some crazy looking weather. Glad you escaped that s**t. That’s probably one of the most scenic strolls in the Southern Gores. Great photos!
B – Thanks man! Easily one of my favorite approaches. The foliage was just an added bonus, so thanks for the info. That s**t you speak of looked like it was decimating you in those Billies. Glad you and Steve made it out alive!!
Dilly…..as usual, I like to show up to your TR’s a week late. Sorry. 🙂
What a day tho. These pics are unreal man. Especially the one that might not be real. Is it real? Whatever it is, those trees are jaw-on-the-floor gorgeous. Dang man.
Thanks for sharing. Your photography skills are improving with every outing too. You gotta remember to tell me what camera you’re using. Want.
Great post man! See you in two weeks!
Dana – thanks dude! Glad you checked er out! It’s actually one week, 2 days – be afraid!