We hike in alone. Our friends would join us late at night,
Every time I’ve presented her with a challenge, my little girl never ceases to amaze me. I’m very proud of my little trooper but this is a hard trip for me to put into words. There are so many emotions that come up when I look back on the weekend, I just can’t articulate my memories. I guess I’ll try my hand at the “photo TR” since I’m really at a loss.
August 15-17
Total Mileage: ~ 22 miles
Total Elevation: ~ 5,000 ft.
The Team: Kimo, Anna, My 7YO daughter, Floyd, and Me
The Mountains: Mt. Zirkel, Elev. 12,180′, CO Rank 1,205 and Flattop Mountain, Elev. 12,118′, CO Rank 1,244
The Journey:

Not a bad side trip to break up the hike to the lake. I wanted the new big pack to be empty to get her used to it before I loaded her up. She sneaked 5 stuffed animals in while I wasn’t looking.

Natural High Three Berry Cobbler – a new camp staple – washed down with some hot chocolate, of course

Kimo and Anna zoom ahead for Peggy. She has other ideas. We’ll attempt to reconvene over on Flattop.

Deceptively easy ascent of Flattop from Red Dirt Pass. However, I took us down one gully too early on the descent and got us into some not-so-fun stuff.

Reciting tongue twisters during a gentle stroll from Red Dirt. The face in the snow seemed to watch us at every angle (notice the bulging rock nose?).
Thanks for reading!
Ok….I don’t even know what to say here. This is basically one of my favorite TR’s I’ve ever read. It’s not because of the pics or the peaks or the amazing accomplishment or anything like that necessarily (although all those things are super awesome). But this drive to get out there with you girl and explore the backcountry is just incredible. It is beyond inspiring for me and I can’t wait to do the same with my kids someday. It’s totally obvious what a great trip and a special memory this weekend was. Seeing the pics was a real treat. Your a damn fine dad. We need more guys like you out in the hills. Thanks for sharing – really moved by this one.
Oh and BTW…..I am 100% buying myself a pair or onesie camp pajamas now. Those things are rad!
DK, first off, thank you very much for the kind words. We really did have a great time and she looks forward to our trips. Also, if you want to get the kids out together, let me know. I’m actually taking our 4YO out for her first backpacking trip this weekend. They’re never too young (although, I’m not into packing out diapers) and this one started when she was 2 1/2. 100% on the PJs huh? We’ll need photographic proof in your next TR.
Haha….I guess I should clarify: there’s no kids in my world, yet. But posts like these certainly help nudge in that direction. Although yes, packing out diapers does sound pretty terrible.
And ya buddy, the onesie is a’comin. I feel like it would make a good tandem with Brian’s panda suit on one of these summits!
Good stuff Scot – all around. Glad to see your 7YO is learning the wonders of the wilderness at a young age. Good to see Floyd out there still kickin as well. Thanks for pathing the way for a new frontier on ETR.
How would you rate the Steamboat Smokehouse compared to others?
Thanks Brian. She’s loving every minute that isn’t on slippery gravel. Sadly, this trip was a little bittersweet as Floyd is definitely slowing down. He’s 9 so it’s understandable, but I don’t have too many more trips with the ol’ mutt. He’s been a special climbing partner over the years.
The Smokehouse is strong – probably around the Smokin’ Yards level. Definitely above Smoke in Basalt (beats it in taste, price, and portion), but doesn’t come close to Zack’s. The service was a little slow, but I think that’s just because we were there around 2:30.
Good luck on the JMT!
Scot – I know we’ve never met, but I love this trip report. One of the best I’ve read. Its so very inspiring for me that you are getting your girls out in the wilderness with you. You are a great Dad. I hope to do the same with my daughter, who will be coming into this world come mid-October! Cheers and thanks for being a great role model for us all.
Brandon, thanks and congrats! Be careful, girls grab your heart pretty fast. And you’re incorrect… I won’t forget my surprise when I ran into you and your dog at the crux tower on the Wilson -> ED traverse several Labor Day’s ago. I hope our paths cross soon, but it sounds like you’ll have your hands full for a while.
By the way, excellent Slate TR! That’s a special place.
Wow, Scot! I can’t believe you remember that! Man, yeah, that was Labor Day weekend 2007. Where did we run into you again? My memory sorta sucks. Organ Pipes?
That was one for the books, my friend. It was a real pleasure to spend some time in the wild with you, Lenja, and Floyd. Lenja has a fantastic attitude toward the mountains. You’ve done a great job at showing her the way.
A very enjoyable weekend and I hope we can make it happen again soon. I’ll be pushing you guys hard for that week trip next year! We still have our sticky points with some of the terrain, but I’m not going to let her lower herself to needing a trail all the time! As the Cooney’s say in their summit registers, “Beaten paths are for beaten men.”
Scot – this is great man! She looks so happy out there. You do a nice job of telling her story with these pics. I can’t wait for Nokhu Hut Trip 2034 as we all sit back and watch the little ones roll up Mahler and Richtofen with your daughter leading the charge. Cheers to a Summer of ’14 to remember amigo!
Thanks Dillon. She was grinning ear to ear about 95% of the time, which is probably a better percentage than I carry on most trips. 2034? It may be 2054 before I subject her to that debauchery. Speaking of which, I’m going to need to start working on Nokhu 2015 soon!
Scot, Fantastic TR! I’m extremely disappointed I couldn’t make this trip work. Looking forward to next year!
Ed, you and the girls were missed! Ahh next year… we have something big planned. I’ll be in touch very soon so you can have it on the calendar. I just need to get it mapped out.
Scot, I echo everything the rest have said. It’s super inspiring to me as well that you’re getting out there with your daughter. And in a sweet area to boot. Awesome stuff man!
I figured I had to show her something outside of RMNP at some point. Zirkel area was a pleasant surprise. Agnes looked like an incredible massif and begged of an adventure in the future.
Your daughter’s an absolute trooper! It was a great pleasure to join the three of you on this jaunt. Other than the feline friend we met on our pack in, I’d have to say this trip was pretty much as good as it gets. Love the TR – really highlights the more important things in life. Until next time…
Thanks Anna! It was great to have you guys along for the ride too. She does have an adventurous spirit, hopefully we can work out the kinks with some sticky points but she’s off to a great start. With the summer we’ve had, I can’t believe the weather window we got that weekend. Incredible time and I’m glad that cat didn’t get curious.