Ben and I have been on a bit of a tear this summer. Blitzkrieg is a word often used to describe a few of our trips and while they have been nothing but excellent, it makes you appreciate a trip in which you are afforded the ability to get to your destination early, snag 1st dibs on a campsite, and enjoy perfect weather all weekend. “Stress-free” was thrown around a lot this past weekend and we savored every minute of it.
Day 1:
Peaks: “Quarter Peak” (13,674′), Half Peak (13,841′)
Date: August 9, 2014
Trailhead: Cataract Gulch
Route: Cataract Gulch approach, “Quarter Peak” – North Ridge with a “traverse” to Half Peak, ascent of East Face, descent of South Ridge.
Distance: ~ 12 miles
Elevation Gain: ~ 5,000 ft.
Group: Anna-Lisa Conners, Ben Conners, Dillon Sarnelli
With a 4 AM start we had our first light just below treeline. The excitement of getting to camp early the night prior may have led to a few too many IPA’s before bed, which in turn resulted in some rough wee hours of the morning. This may also have led to a loose cap bladder malfunction in Al’s backpack. Needless to say the bright morning sun, a nap in a grassy knoll (for Anna-Lisa) and a pitstop in some trees did wonders for our morale.
With Anna-Lisa resting in her grassy knoll, Ben and I hit “Quarter Peak”. This peak itself is more of a slog until you reach the last few hundred feet to the summit, at which time it turns into a loose pile of grundle, but the views from the summit over to Half are reason enough to make it happen.

Summit of “Quarter Peak” – August 9, 2014. Half Peak showing off it’s bold 800 foot high north face in the distance.
After leaving the summit we picked up Anna-Lisa and began the “traverse” over to Half. This is really more of a contour at about 12,900 ft. over a mile or so to Half’s eastern slopes than a traverse.
Rather than traverse around to the bottom of the short Class 3 gully leading to the summit of Half, we opted for a shorter steeper climb (~ Class 4) which spit us out at the top of the standard cairned gully. From there it was a quick jaunt to the sprawling summit.
Thinking it would be easier to descend Half’s south ridge than the east face and it’s gully, albeit longer, we began the long descent south to Cataract Lake. Roach calls ascending Half from the east and descending to the south, the “Tour de Half”.

Back at the ranch Conners is all business. Gordon’s wins the 2014 Imperial Red Taste Test Challenge with Colorojo taking the not so heated runner up trophy.
Day 2:
Peaks: UN 13,832, UN 13,811, Unranked 13,er a.k.a “Little Redcloud”
Date: August 10, 2014
Trailhead: Silver Creek
Route: Silver Creek approach, UN 13,832 – Northeast Ridge, out and back to UN 13,811 – Southwest Ridge from UN 13832, out and back to unranked 13er “Little Redcloud”.
Distance: ~ 14 miles
Elevation Gain: ~ 5,000 ft.
Group: Anna-Lisa Conners*, Ben Conners, Dillon Sarnelli (*Anna-Lisa summitted Redcloud and Sunshine solo while Ben and I took care of business on the UNers.)
We parted ways with Anna-Lisa at the saddle and watched as she made quick work of Redcloud. Realizing that we would have our work cut out if we wanted to time everything perfectly, we began beasting our way over to UN 13,832. After reaching the summit, we could see Anna-Lisa on the summit of Redcloud. She had the summit all to herself and UN 13,832 was all ours. It was a special moment. I said to Ben something like “When will you ever again be sitting on the summit of a Centennial staring at your wife on the summit of a 14er?”

Summit of UN 13,832 – August 10, 2014. Also pictured: Anna-Lisa is on the summit of Redcloud behind us!
We summitted UN 13,811 at about 9 AM, took a few pics and then headed back the way we came.

Ben sitting on the throne that is the summit of our unranked 13er. Uncompahgre looming in the distance.

Descending back to the saddle with Redcloud. The colors variations in the rocks on these peaks were incredible.
We rendezvoused with Anna-Lisa back at the saddle. She successfully summitted both Redcloud and Sunshine for 14ers 10 and 11! After a quick breather we then headed back to camp for some R&R and a Double-Wide IPA birthday bomber!
Benny, it’s been a pleasure running after you in these hills for the better part of a year now. With 3 Centennials left, the only thing I can say is be safe on Jagged, get ‘er done and we’re all pumped to do it again on Phoenix and Stewart in September with you. Thanks for being a great hiking/climbing partner, an even better friend, and getting me hooked on another peak project (yeah I said it :)). Cheers buddy!
And as always thanks for reading all!
Stress-free weekends ARE nice! I find myself seeking them out more and more these days. We did miss you guys on the Slate trip, but I understand how focused Ben must be right now getting so close to finishing the Cents. Looking forward to helping him celebrate that accomplishment very soon! I see he’s turning Anna-Lisa into an obsessive peak-bagger as well, nice work! : ) Great TR, Dillon…. see you in California in 10 (!!) days.
Sarah! Thanks for the comment. Hope you have all recovered from the Gore! My frogtogs arrived today! This just got real, haha. Yep, it’s been great running around with Benny and Anna-Lisa this summer on these last 10 or so. One of the coolest summers I’ve had out here hands down and with great company. Pigeon and Turret or bust! Seeya next Friday.
Wonderful report there, Sarnelli! Stress-free weekends sure are awesome sometimes. Well done to all three of you! Gosh, you guys had some beautiful weather – much better than we did in the Gores!
Brando! thanks man. If I don’t see you on Phoenix, I’ll be over with Little Chalks 1st beer this fall!
That last pic is quite the lineup. Lots of red beer to go along with lots of red rock. Fitting. That Cataract waterfall is top 5 in the state. Good to see another stress-free weekend in Colorado. Good to know they still exist.
MILLER! I put your name in the report and you weren’t even there buddy. That’s special. 🙂 Conners went to town picking out that Sarnelli 4Pack and that bomber lived up to it’s name! Seeya next Friday B!
You two are really plugging away at the list. Nice work. Half’s waterfall looks incredible. I was considering that for my daughter’s backpack trip this year. It looks like it needs to be on the docket in the not-to-distant future.
Scot, it sure has been a busy awesome summer man. Thanks! That waterfall was worth the trip by itself. Let me know when the rematch with the Desolations is!
Nice report- looks like a great weekend.the waterfalls and the views from both Quarter and Half are among the best of the SJs. You guys always enliven a trip!
Gendarme Steve!! Agreed for sure! It’s still a toss up between the waterfall and the peaks, but I’m still leaning heavily towards BA half peak. It doesn’t take much to enliven trips like these man.
Thrones, Blitzkreigs, exotic IPA’s, and Al soloing peaks……this sounds like a fantasy trip to me boys! Nice work getting after some obscure stuff out there. Looks like some mighty fine Colorado summer days. Only a very few high 100’s left until we get to hear Ben repeatedly and resolutely swear off ever driving down to the San Juans again!
Thanks for the comment Zambo. Hope you had a great time in the Gores and are having a good summer.
Great pictures! Makes me want to do more hiking in the San Juans!
Thanks Bob! Me too 🙂 Appreciate the comment. Enjoy the weekend!